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date=June 17, 2016
date=June 17, 2016
===Game Date====
May 1, 2315
===Game Outline===
# Meeting the Macedonians ('''5-10xp depending on PC interaction''') – this takes place over a few days
## A group of 8 Macedonians come aboard the ship and are greeted in the hangar bay.
## Their main representative is something of a renaissance rat named Jenbo Barcoa, who stays with the PCs while another, Wullok Toovey. Jenbo is interested in speaking with the Alexander pilots at length.
## They are 3-4 foot tall rats
## Immensely curious. They will poke around at things. The often find them pressing buttons without asking what they do first, or asking as the button is pressed. Nothing TOO dangerous.
### Maybe one button they press opens a bathroom door and the captain is inside, dropping a deuce.
## Ask a lot of questions
## Contingent sought out the Starlight after hearing about them through the Thanatos, who heard about them through the Cydonians
### If asked about the Cydonians, the Macedonians say they’re a fine people. They don’t seem to notice anything wrong with the relationship
## They are down the 3 home ships
### Part of this stems from their repeated attempts to more closely study the watchers.
#### As a result they do have slightly more advanced technology than the other wanderers.
#### They also know a bit more than the other wanderers, and have even adopted the use of rudimentary nanomachines, though not quite to the same level as humans. They do not have machine-biologic interfaces, and all their piloting is done by physical means.
## They also have already deduced the Starlight and her crew are not “from around here”, and don’t make any assumptions of that nature about them.
## They also speak of legends and prophecies, and feel the crew of the starlight may be the agents of these legends.
### “Beings from long away, riding machines made in their own image will come, wielding the power of the stars. Neither Wanderer nor watcher, crossing through Chronos will liberate the Wanderers and light their way home.”
## Thoughts on Watchers
### “As you surely have figured out, they do very little watching, and do a great deal of destroying. Just like we don’t merely ‘wander’, but a great deal of running.”
### Chronos - They are led by being that is more legend than substance. But we know it is real. Everyone calls this being “Chronos”, and it is a creature not of our dimension.
### They don’t think the watchers are particularly malicious. “Do you spend much time worrying about the daily existence of the creature you keep for food?”
## They speak of the “weapon” they had devised if Chris/Jerias brings it up.
### “The creation of the weapon was a massive project undertaken by our people at great cost. We forged a lance from a neutron star, specially designed to be able to pierce into Chronos’ heart.  We had planned to use a rail gun to deliver it, but that did not work out.”
### The weapon was lost, but they have been tracking its trajectory.
## Jenbo suggests to the PCs that with the Macedonians help they could get home. “Quite simply, we believe your existence here is related to he Watchers somehow. Think to when you first arrived, what happened?”
### Lead the PCs to the fact that they awoke with watchers coming for them.
### “How did they know to find you so quickly? With our help, we could possibly find you a way home. And if our legend is even partially correct, helping you home give u a chance…  well, we are running out of chances.”
# Additional information –days between the 2nd and 4th  '''5 to 10 xp'''
## Anything That Jerias does?
## Anything for Finn?
## Does Lopez continue to go to the meetings? Does he escalate?
### Lopez does get a message from “AFriend”. He gets asked to come to the same meeting room where he and jerias met with barnabas
### Sitting on the table is a small speaker,  the voice that comes out of it is unrecognizable and modulated
#### “hello friend. I wanted to speak to you about your meetings with the senator, have they been going well?”
#### “what are they about?”
#### If lopez talks about it what he’s seen, the person seems confused. Asks if he is willing to take things any further?
### Further represents secretive meetings held certain nights of the week.
#### In order to get into these meetings, Lopez is going to need to coe up with  a way to find out about them and convince someone – meechum perhaps. This is going to require a.. bluff… or something.. hard.
#### This is a slightly different crowd of people, and they discuss politics on the ship. How to convince the captain to land the ships and start a colony. That sort of thing.
# Meeting of the leadership  - '''another 5 to 10'''
## Attendance
### Voting member
#### Commander Langer – No
#### Lt Cmd Barnabas – Yes
#### CPO Zakiri – No
#### Lt Rocannon –  No
#### Lt Cmd Brunel – No
#### Lt Majid – No
#### Lt Andersen – Yes
#### Lt Ashenafi – No
#### PC
#### PC
#### PC
### Non-voting
#### Professor Sikarna
## They discuss the visit by the Macedonians. Wullok basically discussed all the above with the commander.
## Commander Langer states that while she doesn’t necessarily believe these myths and legends that the Macedonians are claiming, Professor Sikarna has been able to go over some of the science they have, on the watchers, on … this leader they claim to have..  Professor?
## Professor Sikarna stands and gives a 30 minute detailed lecture, involving theories of dark matter, tachyon particles and gravity waves. In summary, he proposes that it may be possible, with the use of the gravity cannon. It’s mostly confusing, but in conclusion he states that, if the data the Macedonians have collected about the Watchers, and specifically their leader, Chronos, is correct, and that this creature was what somehow pulled them into this part of the universe, then perhaps there is some key to getting back home by causing…”  he goes into a long explanation of worm holes and… after that’s done,the presentation ends.  “So are there any questions”
## Commander Langer thanks him for his information. And proposes bringing it to a vote amongst the leadership council – to shift the focus in working with the Macedonians closely, to find this weapon they lost, or to continue on their way as is. The vote is done on paper. '''Make votes and have a PC do the count'''.
## After the final vote has been tallied, the door opens, and a security officer standing at the door shoots to attention. “Captain on Deck!”
## The captain shuffles in holding a broom and a dust pan. He pays no attention to what is going on and everyone awkwardly remains standing. He approaches a broom closet by the door, and opens it, putting the broom and dust bin inside, and retrieving a dress jacket, which he put on and slowly buttons up. He then reaches into the closet and withdraws his hat, placing it on his head.
## Captain: '''Ladies and Gentlmen. Boys and girls. Children of all ages… It is clear to us at this time that the only proper course of action is to assist our new friends in finding this lost weapon of theirs. I believe it is our surest course of action to finding a way home. You are all dismissed.'''
## With that the meeting ends.
# Finding the Lance – '''fight is worth 10 xp'''
## The weapon has been tracked to a system which isn’t very far from the Starlight’s current location
## It takes a few days to get there
## PC’s sent out to do scans. Computer rolls, etc. to find the thing.
### Computer – hard
### Observation – hard
### Rotating slowly in space, orbiting a large asteroid is a 15 meter long black spear that seems to absorb the light around it.
### When the pc’s touch it, watchers around awaken.
## Fight against them. A unique one, beefy, with a rank of antagonist.
## End of session.
===Game Files===
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