
Revision as of 17:22, 1 December 2018 by Stylo (talk | contribs)

Below is a list of Armor available for purchase. This is not an exhaustive list. All prices are in Authorized Medium of Exchange.

  • Defense - The armor's defense adds b equal to the defense rating directly to the attacker's dice pool. This reflects the armor's ability to deflect damage away from the wearer's body.
  • Encumbrance - Each full suit or discrete piece of armor has a listed encumbrance value. However, armor's full encumbrance rating only comes into play when a suit or piece of armor is carried instead of worn. When armor is worn, its encumbrance rating is reduced by three, to a minimum of zero.
  • HP - Hardpoints
  • Soak - A suit of armor's soak is added to the wearer's soak value and you subtract the total soak from any damage suffered.

Armor List

Name Defense Soak HP Enc Price Rarity
Ghille Suit 1 +0 1 1 95 4
Optical Camo Suit 2 +0 1 2 580 7
Personal Force Field 3 +0 1 1 6000 8
Heavy Jacket 0 +1 1 1 50 1
Riot Armor 2 +1 3 5 675 6
Flak Vest 0 +2 2 3 475 5
Plasteel Carapace 1 +2 2 4 750 5
Elite Shock Armor 1 +2 3 5 4000 6
Infantry Combat Armor 0 +2 3 2 700 5

Ghille Suit

Ghille Suits are simple camouflage suits tat conceal snipers and forward observers. A suit is little more than a baggy shirt and pair of trousers covered in countless strips of fabric, clumps of grass, and other deteritus. Since ghillie suits are designed to obscure rather than protect, they have a single point of defense but no soak. Characters trying to spot someone wearing a ghille suit upgrade the difficulty of their check once.

Optical Camo Suit

The optical camo suit uses holoprojectors to blur and obsucre the wearer, making them much harder to hit. Characters trying to spot someone wearing an Optical Camo Suit upgrade their difficulty check once and add b.

Personal Force Field

Sophiticated technology and high engery draw make forcefields rare and expensive, but have the potential to cause otherwise successful attacks to fail.

Heavy Jacket

A heavy jacket, maybe a leather bomber jacket or parka in line with heavy clothing, but not to the level of military or police armor.

Riot Armor

A staple of police departments the world over, riot armor is designed to rpotect from stones, bottles, shrpanel, and small-arms fire. The suit includes a helmet with eye protetection and a large polycarbonate shield for deflecting blows and pushing crowds. Your character must use one hand to carry the riot shield. If they do not, the armor's defense drops to 1.

Flak Vest

Most militaries, police departments, and people in a war zone use flak vests. These are made from lightweight polymers and ballistic faberics and provide decent protection from small arms and shrapnel.

Plasteel Carapace

Made from semifuristic materials, a suit of plasteel carapace armor completely covers your cahracter from ehad to toe, and with the right attachments can even be environmentally sealed. The armor has a ridigt outer shell that deflects or bocks incoming attacks.

Elite Shock Armor

Each shock armor is the effective, terribly expensive type of armor that governments and armies only give to their best soldiers. These might be marines assinged to board enemy starships, commando raiders sent behind enemy lines, on the most dangerous missions, or the elite bodyguards of powerful rulers. When wearing this armor, characters increase their Brawn by 1, to a maximum of 5 (this does increase thier soak value) and count their encumbrance capaticty as 10+Brawn. This armor is also environmentally sealed, meaning that it counts as a space suit.

Infantry Combat Armor

The combat armor used by foot soldiers of various interplanetary governments provides soak with minimual encumbrance.