Silver Lining:Heart to Heart You'll Win

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<episodenavigation> name=Heart to Heart You'll Win date=08/19/2022 episodenumber=5 </episodenavigation>

Characters Introduced


  1. Sam Cane - Director, Producer, Promoter, and Head Writer of GLAM - Gorgeous Ladies Acting Martially - a woman's wrestling company that travels around inhabited systems.
  2. Andy Pygott - Owner and ring announcer
  3. Ozgun Huusein - referee and medic
  4. Matilda Bloom, aka "Queen" Bertha Boomer - 6'3", 300 lb, red headed main attraction of GLAM, Queen Bertha is a force to be reckoned with in and out of the ring.
  5. Diamond Laroux, Holly Wood, Raven Dee Vine, and Knockout - other major performers with GLAM


  1. Serpent City, Hydrus
  2. Empyrean Gym - where the ladies are training before the match
  3. Serpent City Mall, in front of the food court - location for a promotional event
  4. Hydrus Galleria Convention Center Ballroom - the venue for the match

Cold Open

Spinning spinning spinning. Everything is spinning. Then the spinning stops. But that's no relief when the woman, who had been carrying you on her, shoulders drops you onto her knee; the crowd lets out a cheer.

Scene 1 - Introductions

Sam Cane is standing next to a long, ancient sedan in the parking lot of the space port, puffing on a cigarette. He's average height, slight of build, wearing a pair of tight fighting jeans and a plaid flannel shirt with an open collar. His well coiffed black hair has greyed on the temples, and his mustache & goatee are perfectly maintained. He glances at you all as you approach. "You must be the security guys. Hop in. I'll give you a low down during the drive over."

He flicks away the nub of his cigarette and as you all pile into the vehicle - it's big enough to just fit you all, with some squeezing in the back seat, he lights up another cigarette, seemingly unconcerned for the close quarters.

He explains that he oversees a company of 20 or so lady wrestlers, they don't all wrestle each night, so everyone does a little bit here and there. Normally the ladies are enough to handle the usual security needs, along with whatever the venue can provide, but Sam is concerned. "There's been these jackasses, 'men's rights activists' they call themselves, who've been making a fuss about the show, mostly online. You guys just keep an eye out for them, make sure nothing happens at the show, that's all we really need.

The gym is basically a warehouse marked as "Empyrean Gym", converted to a practice space. When they enter, some of the women are practicing in the ring, others are stretching, weight training, going over moves individually, etc. Sam walks into the middle of the room, clapping his hands to get their attention.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies listen up, gather round.... ", almost everyone ignores. Queen Bertha is running the ropes while Sam is taking. He does his best to no be distracted by her. "Right, OK, so these guys are with Silver Lining Security. They're gonna make sure that these 'men's rights' guys don't fuck up our show. So.. yeah, make sure you show them the same respect you show me. That's it".

As Sam starts to walks away dejected, Queen Bertha calls out, still running the ropes, "So these little piss ants are supposed to protect us weak little ladies?"

"C'mon Matilda, don't make this a thing"

"Oh, it's a thing, Sammy boy. Who's gonna protect these fellas here from us, huh? Are they gonna do anything but get in our way?" several of the ladies cheer out in agreement.

Bertha stops in the middle of the ring, and points at the PCs.

"I bet none of them are even man enough to take me on for three minutes in the ring. C'mon, any one of you, show me what you got!"

Whoever accepts, the give them a moment to get changed into wrestling tights, if they want. A ref joins Bertha in the middle of the ring.

Challenging Test to not make a fool of themselves getting into the ring.

Scene 2 - Mano-a-Mano with Queen Bertha

Empyrean Gym
A gym in the warehouse district of Serpent City, it's mainly a boxing gym, but is being used by GLAM today.
The Canvas!
The Ropes!
Turn Buckle!
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Queen Bertha
6'3", 300 lb, red headed main attraction of GLAM, a force to be reckoned with in and out of the ring
Master of the Ring
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Attributes Skills
Signature Assets

Ozgun brings the two wrestlers together and leans in between the two of them.

"Okay, I want a good clean fight. No nasty stuff. And no nut shots on your opponent."

"Oh hell, ref!" Bertha protests, "That's hardly fair to me, he doesn't even have to worry about breaking that rule."

"You heard me. Now shake hands and get ready to fight."

Bertha puts out a hand to shake As they are shaking, the bell rings. She immediately pulls the player next to her, wrapping her up, and striking out with a leg towards Ozgun, hitting him between the legs. He stumbles off, clutching his crotch.

"Don't worry sonny," she whispers in the player's ear, "I'll go easy on you."

Musical Inspiration
Song: The Warrior Genius.png
Artist: Scandal
Album: Warrior
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