Silver Lining:Turn off the Sun Pull the Stars from The Skies

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<episodenavigation> name=Turn off the Sun Pull the Stars from The Skies date=5/20/2022 episodenumber=2 </episodenavigation>

Characters Introduced



It's feels like everything is going to shit; but what's so new about that? The last job we took left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I can't say I blame them. I thought it was going to be simple; find a missing ship, whatever. And it turned into more than that. The Silver Lining got trashed and it's going to cost a heap to get her back to her old self. The new mechanic we got (I don't think we've talked since I hired him on) will help, though. So long as he sticks around. It feels like no one is getting along. It makes me long for the old days, you know? Hopefully the next job I lined up will be a bit better. It's... not so much on the up-and-up, so I'll spare you the details. Anyway, you know I'm always available to pick up work, if you got anything that needs doing. Besides, it's been a while since we all saw each other. 

Take Care,

Cold Open

You're out of breath as you dive behind one of the large trees nearby for cover. "Fucking jungle. I hate this fucking place." you think to yourself, and try to get a bearing on your location.

The calls of your compatriots over your comm device comes into focus as you get a second to think.

Shouts of your name and "Hey!" "where are you?"  "What's going on?" blare into your ear.

You reach for your device, your only lifelne, and are about to press the button to let them know, to call for help.

"HEY I think i see him over there!" and gunfire erupts near you, as another fusillade of bullets impact the your cover and rip apart softer flora around you.
Musical Inspiration
Song: The Perfect Drug Genius.png
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Album: Lost Highway Soundtrack
Listen online
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